Embedding your embeddable in a React app is straightforward, and looks similar to the process of embedding in a regular website.

For embedding in other environments, check out embedding in your website or a React Native app.


Grab the embed code

Head to the embeddable in the Web App and grab the embed code from the button at the top.


Insert the first part in the Head

The first part of the embed code (the large part) should go in the <HEAD> of the page.

This only needs to be added once - if it’s already installed on all pages of your site then you can skip this step.

This is the large part that starts like this:

Embed Code - Part 1/2
<script> const SAVVY_PRELOAD_IDS=...

Insert the second part in the Body

The second part of the embed code should go in the <BODY> of the page, wherever you want the embeddable to appear on the page.

The is the part that looks like this (where flow_abcdefhijklm is your embeddable ID):

Embed Code - Part 2/2
<savvy id="flow_abcdefhijklm"></savvy>

Embedding in a website or native app?


React is giving me a warning about an unrecognized <savvy> tag

Sometimes in the console, you will see this warning log from React:

Warning: The tag <savvy> is unrecognized in this browser.
If you meant to render a React component, start its name with an
uppercase letter.

This warning can be safely ignored, and should have no impact on your app.

However, if you want to avoid the warning appearing in the console, a workaround is to insert the savvy just after the initial render using React’s useEffect hook:

useEffect(() => {
  const htmlElement = `<savvy id="flow_abcdefhijklm"></savvy>`;
  const container = document.getElementById("my-container"); // Select the container that the embeddable should appear in
  container.innerHTML = htmlElement; // Use '+=' if you want to append the embeddable to the contents of the container, instead of replacing the contents
Typescript samples will be added to this page soon