Why we write docs

  • To help our users learn how to achieve what they want to in our product.
  • To help our users get the most our of our platform (e.g. things they weren’t necessarily looking for but could benefit them).
  • To communicate to our users, and align our team on, the current state of the platform - a single source of truth.
  • To advise users more generally on good strategies and tactics for building great web experiences.

Use-cases we cater for

  • “I’m a brand new user and I want to get started in under 10 mins.”
  • “I’m a new/fairly new user and I want to take 30-60 mins to properly learn the platform in a structured way.”
  • “I’m an existing user and I want to achieve a certain thing.”
  • “I’m an existing user and I want to upgrade my skills on the platform to get more out of it.”
  • “I’m a new user, or soon to be one, and I want to know what is/isn’t possible to build with Embeddables.”
  • “I’m a new or existing user, or even part of the Embeddables team, and I want a clear answer about the current state of the platform.”
  • “I’m a new or existing user, and I want advice on best practices for builder amazing experiences online.”