Who writes these docs?

Our CTO, Jeremy, writes most of the docs, especially the initial ones.

This ensures that we have not only a consistent styles but a coherent strategy for how we structure and write our documentation.

How does everyone else contribute?

Everyone else on the Embeddables team contributes in the following ways:

1. Feedback + Suggestions

  • Giving feedback on docs.
  • Suggesting what docs are needed / need expanding.
  • Suggesting changes to the structure.

2. What they’re working on

  • Notifying when they update or add a feature and the relevant docs need to be updated.
  • This means that while product builders are not responsible for writing those docs, they are responsible for making sure that things they build always come with up-to-date docs - by asking Jeremy to write/update them.

3. Creating authored docs

  • Writing an “authored doc”, which means we include the name and photo of who wrote the doc at the very top!
  • This could be a text-based doc, or a Loom video, or (ideally) both.
  • On something that they have a connection to (they built the feature / pioneered this use-case / built a great example / love this use-case or feature).
  • The purpose of these is to reflect and celebrate the that fact that different authors will naturally write/record with their own voice. We have a wonderful range of backgrounds and personalities on the Embeddables team and are proud to give everyone (who wants it) a platform. ❤️