
Some common use-cases that we often see:

  1. I want to prefill data like email addresses into my embeddable that users have already entered previously on my site.
  2. I want to prefill data from my embeddable into an embedded component inside it, like a Calendly booker or Stripe component.
  3. I want to pass data like email addresses out of my embeddable to be used on a subsequent page on my website.

This doc is for passing data to be immediately prefilled somewhere in front of the user.

For ways of sending/receiving the data to/from an external source like an API, database or SaaS app, check out How To: Decide how to send/receive data

Passing data into an embeddable to prefill fields (e.g. email address)

Method 1: URL params


Add the fields into the URL as params

  • For example:
  • Make sure that this is the URL when the embeddable first loads, since that’s when it will look for URL params.

Set those fields to be URL-controlled

  • Head to the embeddable-wide settings
  • Go to the More tab
  • Add the fields to the URL Keys block, separated by newlines.

Method 2: Embed code attributes


Add each field as an attribute on the <savvy> HTML element

  • For example: <savvy id="flow_abc" email=""></savvy>.
  • Make sure that these attributes are present when the element is first added to the DOM, since that’s when it will look for URL params.

Set those fields to be Embed Code-controlled

  • Head to the embeddable-wide settings
  • Go to the More tab
  • Add the fields to the Embed Code block, separated by newlines.

Method 3: Custom code using Window variable

This works best when you want to prefill data immediately (as soon as the embeddable loads).


Place the data on a Window variable in your website/webapp

  • From within your website or webapp, create a variable in the Window scope with a unique name.
  • Add the data you want to prefill into that variable.
  • Make sure to that this happens before the embeddable loads.
Your Website/Webapp Code
window.myEmbeddablesPrefillData = {
  email: ''

Add a custom code Action, triggered on first load

For more info on how to do this, check out:

How To: Run custom code when the Embeddable loads


Grab the data from the Window variable, and then set the User Data

  • Pull out the data from the Window variable that you set up in Step 1.
  • Then use helperFunctions.setUserData() to set the User Data based on the payload sent with that event:
Custom Code Action - Triggered on First Load
function output(userData, helperFunctions) {
  const dataToPrefill = window.myEmbeddablesPrefillData
    if (dataToPrefill) {

Method 4: Custom code using custom Window event

This works best when you want to prefill data after the embeddable has already loaded


Add a custom code Action, triggered on first load

For more info on how to do this, check out:

How To: Run custom code when the Embeddable loads


Listen for a custom Window event, and then set the User Data

  • Use window.addEventListener() to listen for a custom event that you will define.
  • Then use helperFunctions.setUserData() to set the User Data based on the payload sent with that event:
Custom Code Action - Triggered on First Load
function output(userData, helperFunctions) {
  window.addEventListener('embeddables:my_custom_prefill_event', (event) => {
    const detail = event.detail || {};
    const dataToPrefill = detail.prefill_data
    if (dataToPrefill) {

Send the custom Window event from your website/webapp

  • From your website or webapp, create a new Custom Event with the prefill data, and send it to the Window:
Your Website/Webapp Code
const myEvent = new CustomEvent('embeddables:my_custom_prefill_event', {
  detail: {
    prefill_data: {
      email: ''

This page is unfinished and is queued up to be completed soon - watch this space!