How to use URL params in Emebddables

  1. The following URL params are available for use on both Embeddables preview links and live URLs on your own site. They aren’t available for use on the Builder or Web App.
  2. The key of the param can differ, depending on whether it’s on a preview link (e.g. or a live link (e.g.

List of available URL params

Some of these params start with “savvy” or “savvy_flow” - Savvy is the old name for Embeddables before we changed our brand. We’ll be updating these soon!

Param on preview linkParam on live linkPossible valuesDescription
versionsavvy_flow_versionlatest, staging, 123Display a certain version of the embeddable
savvy_testsavvy_testtrue, falseForce test mode on (if live) or off (if preview)
savvy_tracksavvy_tracktrue, falseForce analytics tracking on (if live) or off (if preview)
static_renderstatic_rendertrueRender only the HTML with no interactivity (useful for showing a preview of the embeddable)

The rest of this page is queued up to be completed soon - watch this space!