Custom Code blocks provide various bits of context through arguments in the root functions. They are, in order:

1userDataThe current User Data
2helperFunctionsAn object containing various helper functions (see full list below)
3triggerContextAn object containing data on what triggered the Computed Field or Action (see full list below)
function result(userData, helperFunctions, triggerContext) {

Available Helper Functions

setUserData(updates: Record<string, unknown>)

This can be used to update the current User Data.

It accepts a JSON object, which can contain one or more key/value pairs.

It’s treated as a subset of data that is merged into the existing User Data, although please note that any nested objects will be replaced not merged.


This can be used to reset the current User Data to the same value as for a brand new user.

All previous data will be lost.

triggerAction(actionId: string)

This can be used to programmatically trigger an action from custom code.

One common use-case for this is when you want two actions to occur, but need one of them to complete before the other one starts.

This list is not exhaustive - more helper functions will be added to these docs soon.

Available Trigger Context variables

Please note that old_user_data and new_user_data currently only contain the input keys for the Computed Field, not all of User Data. This may change in the future.

type TriggerContext = {
  inputs_causing_recompute: string[]; // List of keys of inputs that caused the recompute
  old_input_values: string[]; // List of old values of those inputs (last time this Computed Field was computed)
  new_input_values: string[]; // List of current values of those inputs
  old_user_data: Record<string, unknown>; // Snapshot of User Data from when this Computed Field was last computed
  new_user_data: Record<string, unknown>; // Current value of User Data (identical to the first userData argument)