
See: End-User

Embeddables vs embeddables

Embeddables (capital E) is the name of our company and product!

To differentiate from this, embeddables (lowercase e) is what we write when talking about the things that you build in our platform.

So you build, embed and push live an embeddable. And you do so using the product Embeddables.

Enjoy building embeddables in Embeddables!


Note: Also known as a Contact.

This is a real life person who is currently viewing/completing, or has previously viewed/completed, one of your embeddables.

This is distinct from an Embeddables User, which is someone who builds embeddables in our builder - like you!


See: User Data


A Group corresponds to a billing account with Embeddables.

If you are a customer of Embeddables that you would typically have a single Group in our system.

Groups can contain multiple Projects.

JSON-Only Feature

These are new features in the Builder, which are available for use but don’t yet have buttons/inputs in the Builder cards to be able to add/modify them.

Advanced users only: If you want to use these features in the meantime, you can edit the JSON of the component/page/embeddable to add/update the feature manually.


Each project is a collection of embeddables, to help you organize them into different… well, projects!

Your various Projects are all associated with your Group.

If an End-User who visits multiple embeddables that are all within the same Project, they will have multiple Entries grouped within a single Contact.

On the other hand, if an End User visits multiple embeddables that span several Projects (even if they are in the same Group), this will create multiple Contacts.

User Data

Note: Also known as an Entry.

This is the set of data that an end-user of an embeddable has at any time, for example their email address or the answer they gave to a question.

It is stored in JSON format and the schema is dependent on the embeddable that they are using.

A user that has taken multiple embeddables will have a different User Data for each one. In our database, this is known as one Contact corresponding to multiple Entries.

This page is incomplete, and will be expanded soon - watch this space!